Oct. 13th: The Terminator (1984)

The Terminator (1984)

Directed by James Cameron

You’re probably thinking “why is the Terminator on here, it’s not a horror movie!”  Well actually…it is.  The Terminator is basically a futuristic slasher movie.  It has a woman, running from an unstoppable killing machine that racks up bodies on his way to a final chase.  Now Terminator 2?  Definitely more of an action movie than horror.

The Terminator is about a cyborg being sent back in time to kill the mother of the unborn leader of a future uprising against an evil organization.  That is one of the greatest plots ever and really goes to show how much of a genius Cameron is.  The Terminator changed cinema at the time, and the special effects were groundbreaking for a small movie.  It helped shoot Arnold Schwarzenegger into super star status and usher in a long line of blockbuster movies for him.  James Cameron obviously went off to do next to nothing right?  I mean it’s not like he made 2 of the 3 top grossing movies of all time right? (Avatar & Titanic).

The acting is really good, all around.  Sometimes Michael Biehn as Kyle comes off a little over dramatic but it kind of fits the character.  He’s sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor played by Linda Hamilton from the Terminator (Schwarzenegger).  So obviously he’s going to be frantic and a little bit nuts.  Arnold’s job may seem easy and requiring little acting ability, but hearing of all the preparation and choices he made for the role will completely change your mind.  Schwarzenegger spent months learning how to dismantle and assemble weapons, with his eyes closed, so he could do it robotically.  He also studied Yul Brynner’s part in Westworld to get a speech pattern and robotic performance.  He put in the homework and it shows.

The special effects are great, especially for the budget and time.  Some things come off clunky now, like when the Terminator removes its eye.  The look of the terminator skeleton is incredible and one of the most recognizable robots in the world.  Terrifying yet cool is something that is hard to find, and they nailed it.  The stop motion may be dated, but I love some stop motion over cgi any day!

One part that made this seem dated to me, aside from the mall hair and synth wave music, was the sex scene between Sarah and Kyle.  It kind of comes out of nowhere and borders softcore porn.  The thrusting, slow motion riding and boob shots are plentiful and it made me laugh.  The more movies from the 80s I watch (believe me I’ve seen more than my share) the more I laugh at these.  They get so gratuitous at times that it’s hilarious.

The Terminator is a movie that I love rewatching.  It is always fun and exciting.  The acting is solid and the movie kind of encapsulates the 80s to me.  Especially the scene in the dance club Tech Noir, with the awesome 80s new wave song playing.  So much mall hair, so much high waisted jeans and synth, I love it.  I might be one of the few that love this movie over T2, and I have to give this an A.

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