Oct. 25th: Unmasked Part 25 (1988)

Unmasked Part 25 - Wikipedia

Unmasked Part 25 (1988)

Directed by Anders Palm

               I have mentioned numerous times that I’m not a fan of comedy/horror.  Very seldom does it work, and usually it comes off corny as shit and annoying.  Well that’s where Unmasked Part 25 comes into play.

               Unmasked Part 25 is an attempt at Comedy and Slasher.  It centers around the killer Jackson (lolz Jason) a  hockey mask wearing man and his every day life.  Jackson struggles with the point in all his killing and falls in love with a blind woman named Shelly.  The two have an intense relationship and even have a scene of kinky sex which was so awkward and dumb that I fast forwarded through it.  Jackson continues on with his killing ways and struggles to find the joy in all of it anymore.  It is an obvious dig at the long Friday the 13th series and how it wore out its welcome towards the end.

               The acting is decent I suppose.  Gregory Cox plays Jackson and he does a decent job, Fiona Evans plays Shelly and she’s ok.  The other characters are wooden and no one should care about because they’re there for a body count.  I can’t get passed the long conversations about life and meaning that Jackson has.  Was this the comedy part?  Because I never laughed once during this movie.  It falls flat in any attempt it has to be comedic.  The horror elements are ruined because of the bad comedy, so it fails on that end as well.  So where does this movie succeed?

               Special effects.  That’s where this movie shines, slightly.  The kills are all pretty gruesome and gory.  I enjoyed some of the old standbys of the clever to the face.  Some of the more over the top and unrealistic stuff was interesting, like where he rips a guy’s face off.  It was gory fun and the props looked pretty good.  Aside from the effects, the rest of the movie is a bit of a mess.  I kept checking the time on it and the movie is under 90 minutes in length.

               I didn’t enjoy this movie, the effects were great but the dialogue and “comedy” were horrible.  I checked this off my slasher list, that is all it was good for.  You might enjoy this, I just don’t like bad horror comedy.  I give Unmasked Part 25 a D-.

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