October 23rd: My Top 5 Favorite Horror Video Games

My Top 5 Favorite Horror Video Games


  1. Until Dawn (PS4)

This game is such fun.  It plays out like a horror movie, kind of starts off like a slasher but evolves into a creature movie/survival movie.  You are presented with options and choices through out the game and your decisions affect what the outcome of the game is.  There are also fun things that involve the microphone, touch pad and motion sensor of the controller that just adds to the atmosphere of the game.  I can’t recommend this game enough; you should give it a play.


  1. Friday the 13th: The Game (PS4, PC, Xbox One, Switch)

If you’re a fan of the movie series, like I am, you’ll love this game.  Yes, it is made by an indie developer and yes it has a wide array of glitches, but it is really fun.  You can either play as Jason or as a counselor and try to survive.  It is rather basic in its approach but the love and attention to detail are amazing.  Each map is a location from the movie series and they’re so accurate down to furniture in the cabins.  A must play for fans of Friday the 13th.


  1. Super Ghouls N Ghosts (SNES)

There are many hard games for the Super Nintendo, and Super Ghouls N Ghosts has to be one of the hardest.  You get a wide variety of horror-based enemies like zombies, werewolves, killer plants, and ghosts.  You take control of King Arthur trying to save the princess from a demon.  It is straight forward, side scrolling action.  I could never get passed the third level, but I always had a good time playing it and the music is awesome.


  1. Castlevania (NES)

A classic game for sure.  You take control of Simon Belmont a whip wielding hero trying to defeat Dracula.  Along the way you fight horror icons such as Frankenstein, Mummies, The Grim Reaper and Medusa.  Another very difficult game and one I could never beat.  I just can’t get passed the Grim Reaper level.


  1. Doom (too many platforms)

One of the first First Person Shooter games ever.  Doom was a game that I played a lot of as a kid, which is kind of funny to look back on.  There are a slew of demons and monsters that you have to lay waste to on Mars.  It is a classic and still fun to this day.  There are so many versions and sequels to this game that you can basically own it on any console, computer, and other gaming system that you have.  There is a reason it was ported so many times, just a fun bit of nostalgia.

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